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Marco Rubio


President Obama offered his thoughts on the Republican presidential race, a replacement for late Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia and even his golf game during a press conference at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit Tuesday

President Obama offered his thoughts on the Republican presidential race, a replacement for late Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia and even his golf game during a press conference at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit Tuesday in Calif. Contessa Brewer anchored CBSN's coverage.


Florida Senator and Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio asserted on “Face the Nation,” that his goal is to continue to pick up delegates and do consistently well throughout this early season of voting

Florida Senator and Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio asserted on “Face the Nation,” that his goal is to continue to pick up delegates and do consistently well throughout this early season of voting. Rubio did tell “Face the Nation” host, John Dickerson, that the stakes are higher once he enters the winner-take-all states.


Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio declared on “Face the Nation,” that if President Barack Obama decides to nominate a new justice to replace Justice Antonin Scalia, the Senate will not move forward.

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio declared on “Face the Nation,” that if President Barack Obama decides to nominate a new justice to replace Justice Antonin Scalia, the Senate will not move forward. Rubio also told host John Dickerson that as president he would nominate someone that has, “a consistent and proving record of interpreting the Constitution as initially meant.”


Republican presidential candidate and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio sits down with CBS’ “Face the Nation” to discuss his debate performance in South Carolina and the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. The interview aired February 14, 2016

Republican presidential candidate and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio sits down with CBS’ “Face the Nation” to discuss his debate performance in South Carolina, the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, and his prospects in future primary battles. The interview aired February 14, 2016.


“Face the Nation” brings you the latest on the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and the CBS’ Republican debate in South Carolina. GOP candidates Donald Trump and Marco Rubio join the show, along with Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders

“Face the Nation” brings you the latest on the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and the 2016 campaign, just hours after CBS’ Republican debate in South Carolina. GOP candidates Donald Trump and Marco Rubio join the show, along with Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders and other guests.

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