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Marco Rubio


Republican front-runner Donald Trump has dominated Super Tuesday polls, giving him an opportunity to extend his lead over his rivals, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio

Republican front-runner Donald Trump has dominated Super Tuesday polls, giving him an opportunity to extend his lead over his rivals, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. Should Cruz and Rubio fail to win votes today, their campaigns may struggle to survive. With more on today's GOP race, CBS News' Major Garrett joins CBSN from Georgia.


Marco Rubio and Donald Trump traded more jabs over the weekend, with Trump mocking Rubio's ears and Rubio attacking Trump's "small hands" and electability

Marco Rubio and Donald Trump traded more jabs over the weekend, with Trump mocking Rubio's ears and Rubio attacking Trump's "small hands" and electability. This comes as 11 states holding nominating contests on March 1, known as Super Tuesday. With more on what's at stake, CBS News Senior Political Editor Steve Chaggaris and Potomac Strategy Group's Matt Mackowiak join CBSN.

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