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Hillary Clinton spoke to CBS News about her chances in the five states that vote tonight, including Ohio where challenger Bernie Sanders is looking for another upset

Hillary Clinton spoke to CBS News about her chances in the five states that vote tonight, including Ohio where challenger Bernie Sanders is looking for another upset. Clinton also talked about the recent uptick of violence at Donald Trump rallies and blamed his "inciteful rhetoric." CBS News Congressional Correspondent Nancy Cordes has the interview.


At an Irish luncheon Tuesday, President Obama commented on the 2016 GOP campaign, saying "We've seen actual violence and we've heard silence from too many of our leaders"

At an Irish luncheon Tuesday, President Obama commented on the 2016 GOP campaign, saying "We've seen actual violence and we've heard silence from too many of our leaders." The comments come as Democrats and Republicans head to the polls for primaries in five states. CBSN's political team weighed in on the president's remarks.


Republican front-runner Donald Trump expects to win Florida and Ohio, extending his large delegate lead even further

Republican front-runner Donald Trump expects to win Florida and Ohio, extending his large delegate lead even further. Anti-Trump ads featuring his comments about women and use of obscenities are flooding primary states, trying to sway voters to oppose the frontrunner. Trump's national spokesperson Katrina Pierson joins CBSN to discuss the ads and why she says they take Trump out of context.


Today is primary day in five states, where voters will shape the presidential election on both sides of the race

Today is primary day in five states, where voters will shape the presidential election on both sides of the race. Ohio Governor John Kasich and Florida Senator Marco Rubio have been focusing on their home states, hoping to edge Republican front-runner Donald Trump. If they fail to win in Ohio and Florida, it will likely be the end of their presidential runs. CBS News' Major Garrett has analysis of the GOP race on CBSN.

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