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Evacuations continue in Afghanistan

Evacuations in Afghanistan are moving forward despite warnings of more attacks after a bombing at Kabul airport killed 13 U.S. service members and dozens of Afghans on Thursday. CBS News' Charlie D'Agata and Nancy Cordes report on the latest. Then Sean Sullivan, CBS News political contributor and White House reporter for the Washington Post, and Jamil Jaffer, founder and executive director of the National Security Institute, join CBSN's Lana Zak to discuss that and more.


Biden vows retaliation for deadly attack in Afghanistan

President Biden is vowing to retaliate after bomb attacks killed at least 13 U.S. troops outside the Kabul airport. ISIS-K, an affiliate of the Islamic State, has claimed responsibility for the blasts. The attack comes as the U.S. races to evacuate U.S. citizens and afghans out of the country, just weeks after the Taliban's rapid takeover. CBS News Charlie D'Agata and Nancy Cordes report. Then Sean Sullivan, CBS News political contributor and White House reporter for The Washington Post, joins CBSN's Lana Zak to discuss the latest developments.


Dozens killed by bombs near Kabul's airport

President Biden addressed the nation Thursday after learning that dozens of people, including U.S. service members, were killed by ISIS suicide bombers in Afghanistan. CBS News correspondent Christina Ruffini and CBS News Radio correspondent Steve Dorsey join ""Red and Blue"" anchor Elaine Quijano with the latest on the ground in Kabul. Then, Politico's national correspondent Meridith McGraw and Buzzfeed News' national political reporter Kadia Goba discuss the reaction from lawmakers, and a report that the Biden administration gave the Taliban a list of names of people in need of evacuation.

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