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Ivanka Trump


Updates on House January 6 investigation

House investigators looking into January 6 Capitol insurrection requested information Thursday from former President Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump. The House committee will receive hundreds of pages of Trump administration records, thanks to a major Supreme Court ruling, and prosecutors are releasing new details about actions takes by members of the Oath Keepers ahead of the riot. CBSN's Tanya Rivero discusses the latest with CBS News congressional correspondent Scott MacFarlane.


WH staff members test positive for COVID-19

Ivanka Trump's personal assistant is among the latest at the White House to test positive for the coronavirus. Vice President Pence's press secretary, Katie Miller, tested positive this week, as well as a White House valet. The White House insists it is taking precautions, but President Trump was not seen wearing a mask at a ceremony for WWII veterans. This comes as whistleblower Rick Bright spoke out on "60 Minutes" after being removed from his job for what he says was "putting science over politics." Nikole Killion looks at the exclusive interview.

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