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Iran Nuclear Deal


Biden nominations signal foreign policy shift

President-elect Joe Biden has nominated several advisers with deep experience in foreign policy to serve in key Cabinet positions, and world leaders are preparing for the transition of power. The founder and executive director of the National Security Institute at George Mason University, Jamil Jaffer, joined CBSN AM to discuss what this new team means for U.S. foreign policy and how he thinks they'll perform on the international stage.


Iran expands its stockpile of enriched uranium

A new report from the International Atomic Energy Agency reveals that Iran now has 12 times the amount of enriched uranium permitted under the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal. This latest development gives additional insight into the surmounting challenge the incoming Biden administration will face in an attempt to contain Iran's nuclear capabilities. Former United States Secretary of Energy and the co-chair and CEO of the Nuclear Threat Initiative, Dr. Ernest Moniz, helped negotiate the 2015 accord. He joins CBSN to discuss what this means for the safety of the U.S. and its allies moving forward.


Embassy unrest in Iraq highlights rising tensions

The crisis at the U.S. Embassy in Iraq has calmed down as demonstrators left the area. Violence erupted earlier this week after supporters of Iranian-backed militias attacked the facility. The turmoil has highlighted escalating tensions between the U.S. and Iran, with Iraq stuck in the middle. Matthew Kroenig, an associate professor at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service, joins CBSN to break down the latest developments.

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