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Hunter Biden


Impeachment inquiry resonates in Ukraine

The growing impeachment inquiry questions are resonating in Ukraine. The country's top prosecutor said he will review several criminal cases, including some related to the owner of the company where Hunter Biden worked. There’s no evidence that Hunter or Joe Biden engaged in wrongdoing. President Trump's call to investigate the Bidens has also catapulted Ukraine's president, a former comedian with little political experience, into the spotlight. Roxana Saberi reports.


Impeachment inquiry: Trump vs. Nixon

President Trump suggested China and Ukraine should open investigations into Joe and Hunter Biden, stating publicly what he is accused of insinuating on the July call with the Ukrainian president at the center of House Democrats' impeachment inquiry. Nikole Killion brings us the latest from Capitol Hill. Then, history professor and author Kathryn Olmstead joins CBSN to take a closer look at the difference between this impeachment inquiry and the 1970s inquiry into President Richard Nixon.

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