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How intimacy coordinators oversee romantic movie, TV scenes

Movies have long had stunt coordinators to oversee action scenes. But In the era of #MeToo, there's a new focus on how romantic scenes are filmed for movies and TV. It's led to the rise of a new figure on set: the intimacy coordinator, who helps actors and directors choreograph and act out sexual encounters safely and effectively. Rita Braver talks with Alicia Rodis, of Intimacy Directors International, about how the HBO series "The Deuce" changed the way actors get up-close-and-personal.


Erin Lee Carr on famous father's legacy

Director Erin Lee Carr has two acclaimed documentaries appearing on HBO this year. One of those documentaries, “I Love You, Now Die,” follows the story of Michelle Carter, the woman convicted of manslaughter for convincing her boyfriend to kill himself. The 31-year-old filmmaker has also recently published her first book, about her relationship with her father, acclaimed New York Times journalist David Carr. "CBS This Morning" co-host Anthony Mason reports.

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