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Gun Law in the United States


VA gun rights rally brings fear of violence

The arrest of three alleged white supremacists is raising alarms ahead of a gun rights rally in Richmond, Virginia. Governor Ralph Northam says there is "credible intelligence" of potential violence at Monday's event. Northam’s temporary ban on firearms in the Capitol area also withstood a legal challenge on Thursday as fears of a Charlottesville repeat loom fresh on state leaders’ minds. Jeff Pegues reports from the tense battleground state.


CO lawmaker wins against gun rights groups

So-called "red flag" laws allow courts to confiscate weapons from people found to be at risk of harming themselves or others. Currently, 17 states and the District of Columbia have passed such measures. Gun rights groups have fought against them, and have even -- as in the case of Colorado lawmaker Tom Sullivan -- attempted to recall legislators who back stricter gun control. But some say that the failed campaign to recall Sullivan could be a sign of a changing tide. Barry Petersen reports.

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