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Google's "Project Nightingale" sparks concerns

The apparent whistleblower who revealed Google is collecting medical records from about 50 million Americans said "Project Nightingale" raised red flags, including a security risk of "placing medical data in the digital cloud." Google said it's using the information to improve health care and reduce medical costs, under strict privacy and security standards. Wired Editor-in-Chief Nick Thomson joins "CBS This Morning" to discuss the privacy and security concerns.


Google facing antitrust investigation

Forty-eight states launched an investigation into whether Google violated antitrust regulations. The probe will look into whether Google has become too dominant in the online advertising space and as a search engine. Facebook is facing a similar investigation. CBS News correspondent Hilary Lane reports on the latest, and CNET News executive editor Roger Cheng joins CBSN AM to discuss the investigation and what's expected at Apple's iPhone event.

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