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Georgia Senate Runoffs


Local Matters: Georgia begins 2nd vote recount

Georgia began a second recount of votes on Tuesday at the request of the Trump campaign, even though the state certified its election results last week. The first recount done by hand confirmed President-elect Joe Biden won the state by more than 12,000 votes. Tia Mitchell, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution's Washington correspondent, joins CBSN's "Red and Blue" anchor Elaine Quijano to discuss the recount and the state's critical Senate runoff races.


Georgia certifies Biden's victory after hand recount

President Trump is denying the results of Georgia's hand recount, just one day after President-elect Joe Biden was declared the certified winner in the state. Mr. Trump's unverified claims of voter fraud are now causing some to question the state's election process ahead of two critical Senate runoffs in January. Political reporter for Georgia Public Broadcasting and host of "Battleground: Ballot Box," Stephen Fowler, joins CBSN to discuss the latest on Georgia's election results.


Georgia GOP Sen. Perdue refuses runoff debate

As the candidates in Georgia's two Senate races campaign for their January 5th runoffs, Democrat Jon Ossoff is calling out his opponent, Republican incumbent David Perdue, for declining to participate in any more debates. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution's political reporter Greg Bluestein joins CBSN's "Red & Blue" anchor Elaine Quijano with more on the closely-watched runoff campaigns, which will determine which party controls the Senate.


GOP senators say they're unaware of fraud

Many Republican senators have held off on congratulating President-elect Joe Biden on his victory as President Trump pushes baseless allegations of voter fraud. CBS News chief congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes spoke with several GOP senators who said they were unaware of any specific fraud allegations, particularly in their own races. She joins CBSN with more on that, plus how Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell might work with the new administration.

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