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Gavin Newsom


California recall election underway

Early in-person voting in California's recall election began in parts of the state this weekend. Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom is fighting to keep his seat following backlash from Republicans over pandemic-related shutdowns. Antjuan Seawright, CBS News political contributor and Democratic strategist, and Lauren Zelt, former aide to Senator Mitt Romney and founder of Zelt Communications, joins CBSN's Lana Zak with more on why the election results carry tremendous weight for both parties nationally.


GOP candidates to face-off in California recall debate

Three Republican challengers in the California gubernatorial recall election are set to take the debate stage Thursday night. In an exclusive interview with CBS San Francisco's Betty Yu, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she does not foresee working with a Republican governor. California Assemblyman Kevin Kiley is hoping to replace Governor Gavin Newsom and joins CBSN "Red & Blue" anchor Elaine Quijano to discuss his campaign.

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