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Food and Drug Administration


Remdesivir shows promise as COVID treatment

An experimental drug is showing promise in treating the coronavirus. Preliminary results from a clinical trial carried out by the National Institutes of Health found patients taking remdesivir recovered an average of four days sooner than those on a placebo. The FDA may now consider an emergency approval to allow for broad use of the drug, though the findings still need to be peer-reviewed. Dr. Tara Narula spoke to a patient in that study, and a scientist fighting to get more answers.


Trump: Disinfectant comments were "sarcastic"

President Trump gave an unusually short coronavirus task force briefing on Friday, walking out after less than half an hour. Earlier in the day, Mr. Trump walked back his Thursday suggestion that people could inject disinfectant to fight the coronavirus, a claim that horrified medical experts and he now says was only "sarcastic." The FDA also issued warnings on hydroxychloroquine, a malaria drug Mr. Trump has previously touted as a treatment. Nikole Killion reports on the latest from the White House.

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