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Search crews spent the day digging through still smoldering rubble after an explosion caused the collapse of two buildings in the New York City neighborhood of Harlem. A gas leak was reported 15 minutes before the explosion, but workers arrived too late.

Search crews spent the day digging through still smoldering rubble after an explosion caused the collapse of two buildings in the New York City neighborhood of Harlem. A gas leak was reported 15 minutes before the explosion, but workers arrived too late. Michelle Miller reports.


The full episode of The CBS Evening News from March 13, 2014.

Sources say Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 continued to send signals to satellites for several hours after it lost contact with air traffic controllers. Investigators strongly suspect the plane turned west and headed back across the Malay Peninsula; and, General Motors acknowledged that it knew about an issue with ignition switches turning off in 2001 in Saturn Ions, but a comparable ignition cylinder was put in Chevy Cobalts and other cars starting in 2004.


More deadly violence rocked the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, hours after a truce between anti-government protesters and police was announced

More deadly violence rocked the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, hours after a truce between anti-government protesters and police was announced. It's unclear which side broke the truce first, but protesters have vowed to continue their fight. The demonstrators want the government thrown out, but Ukraine's leaders are determined to stay in office. Holly Williams reports.


An explosion at an animal feed plant in Omaha, Neb. caused a partial collapse of the building, killing at least two workers and sending multiple people to the hospital with critical injuries

An explosion at an animal feed plant in Omaha, Neb. caused a partial collapse of the building, killing at least two workers and sending multiple people to the hospital with critical injuries. Crews continue to search the rubble for additional victims, and the cause of the explosion is yet to be determined. Dean Reynolds reports.

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