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Eric Adams


Can you train bias out of police departments?

Can you train bias out of our police departments? Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and Terence Monahan, Chief of Department of the NYPD, discuss how to stop police brutality against black people. Social Psychologist Phillip Atiba Goff, who conducted anti-bias training programs for the Minneapolis Police Department, talks about the need to eradicate the culture of violence that he says is poisoning the nation’s police departments.


Brooklyn Borough president on Floyd protests

Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams marched with anti-police brutality protesters this week, despite his complicated history with policing and racial issues. Adams, who is black, was beaten by police as a young man and later went on to serve as a New York City officer for over two decades. He spoke to Dana Jacobson about the unrest happening in New York and around the country, and what needs to happen in order to enact real change.

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