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Democratic Debate


Politico’s chief political correspondent Glenn Thrush, whose "Off Message" podcast has been a go-to place for strategists and politicians this year, joins “CBS This Morning: Saturday” to discuss Thursday's Democratic debate in Brooklyn and the 2016 race

Politico’s chief political correspondent Glenn Thrush, whose "Off Message" podcast has been a go-to place for strategists and politicians this year, joins “CBS This Morning: Saturday” to discuss Thursday's Democratic debate in Brooklyn and the 2016 race.


New York’s primary on Tuesday is crucial to both candidates

The first Democratic presidential debate in more than a month was the roughest one yet. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders clashed repeatedly Thursday night on subjects including Wall Street, taxes, guns and the minimum wage. New York’s primary on Tuesday is crucial to both candidates. A CBS News poll released before the debate shows Clinton leading Sanders by six points among Democrats nationwide. Nancy Cordes reports from Brooklyn.


CBSN political contributor Lynda Tran, Vox senior campaign correspondent Liz Plank, Whitman Insight Strategies CEO Bernard Whitman and Nomiki Konst offer their final thoughts on Wednesday night's Democratic presidential candidates' debate in Miami

CBSN political contributor Lynda Tran, Vox senior campaign correspondent Liz Plank, Whitman Insight Strategies CEO Bernard Whitman and Nomiki Konst offer their final thoughts on Wednesday night's Democratic presidential candidates' debate in Miami.


Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders battled repeatedly at Thursday night’s debate

The Democratic presidential race is getting tighter, and the candidates are finding more to fight about. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders battled repeatedly at Thursday night’s debate. It was their last meeting before the upcoming Nevada caucuses and South Carolina primary. The candidates also reached out to minority voters who are about to play a much larger role in the campaign. Nancy Cordes reports.

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