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Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals


Durbin tells DREAMers "Don't give up"

The Senate minority whip addressed undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children, telling them, "Don't give up." With the Senate's deal to end the shutdown came the commitment from the GOP majority to bring immigration and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals to the floor. Durbin told DREAMers that DACA would be debated on the Senate floor for the first time in five years. "To all the DREAMers that are watching today, don't give up," he said. "I know your lives are hanging in the balance on what we do here on Capitol Hill and with the White House." He told them he hoped in three weeks to be celebrating with them the passage of "a measure which will strengthen America and give you the opportunity to be part of our future."

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