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Civil Rights


Homer Plessy of Plessy v. Ferguson pardoned

A Louisiana board voted unanimously on Friday to pardon Homer Plessy. His arrest in 1892 led to the Supreme Court's Plessy v. Ferguson decision that established the "separate but equal" doctrine, allowing states to maintain racial segregation laws. Descendants of both Plessy and Ferguson, the Louisiana judge who made the initial ruling, were in Friday's hearing. Michelle Miller spoke to them ahead of the ruling's 125th anniversary this year.


Challenging state bans on school mask mandates

The Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights says five states' bans on school mask mandates may violate the civil rights of students with disabilities. Meanwhile, the House of Representatives' January 6 commission is preparing to request the phone records of hundreds of people related to the U.S. Capitol attack. CBS News legal analyst and professor at Loyola Law School Jessica Levinson joins CBSN's "Red & Blue" to discuss.


Arndrea Waters King on voting rights marches

According to the Brennan Center, at least 18 states have enacted 30 laws restricting access to the vote so far this year. On August 28, the anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington, where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech, civil rights organizations are coming together for March On for Voting Rights, which will take place in cities across the country. Arndrea Waters King, the president of the Drum Major Institute, one of the organizations involved in planning the event, joined Elaine Quijano on CBSN's "Red and Blue" to discuss.


Biden defends plan for Afghanistan withdrawal

All U.S. troops will be out of Afghanistan by the end of August, even though the Taliban has. been gaining ground across the war-torn country. President Biden defended his accelerated timeline for America's military withdrawal during a speech yesterday. CBS News foreign correspondent Charlie D'Agata reports from Kabul, and CBS News chief White House correspondent Nancy Cordes joins CBSN with more on that plus other issues on Mr. Biden's agenda including voting rights and economic competition.

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