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Tigray leader calls for Ethiopia withdrawal

Despite Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's declaration of victory two days ago, the defiant leader of Tigray, Debretsion Gebremichael, said fighting continues on all fronts and called on Abiy to withdraw troops from the region. Also, the Chinese Embassy in Australia said politicians misread a tweet showing a digitally altered image of an Australian soldier holding a bloody knife to the throat of an Afghan child, and the U.N. said the coronavirus pandemic fueled a 40% increase in the number of people needing humanitarian assistance. CBS News foreign correspondent Debora Patta joined "CBSN AM" from Johannesburg with a look at these global headlines.


Biden can start getting presidential briefing

President-elect Joe Biden is forging ahead with the transition process as he weighs filling more key Cabinet posts in the coming weeks. He can now start accessing the presidential daily briefing, which includes crucial reports from the U.S. intelligence community, after the General Services Administration finally approved the transition. CBS News correspondent Nikole Killion reports from Wilmington, Delaware, and she joined CBSN with CBS News White House correspondent Ben Tracy to discuss the latest.


Biden nominations signal foreign policy shift

President-elect Joe Biden has nominated several advisers with deep experience in foreign policy to serve in key Cabinet positions, and world leaders are preparing for the transition of power. The founder and executive director of the National Security Institute at George Mason University, Jamil Jaffer, joined CBSN AM to discuss what this new team means for U.S. foreign policy and how he thinks they'll perform on the international stage.

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