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Child Tax Credit


House Democrat on Child Tax Credit and more

Millions of parents across the country could see extra money in their bank accounts starting Thursday as the new monthly Child Tax Credit payments begin. The rollout comes after President Biden met with fellow Democrats on Capitol Hill to shore up support for a $3.5 trillion infrastructure plan that could include expanded Medicare coverage, money to fight climate change and a pathway to citizenship for certain immigrants. Congressman Ro Khanna, a Democrat from California, joined CBSN's Tanya Rivero to discuss.


Families set to receive child tax credit payments

The federal government will begin dispersing monthly cash payments to low- and moderate-income families on July 15 as part of the child tax credit program included in the latest round of COVID relief. The rollout comes as the Federal Reserve paints a clearer picture of the current state of the economy, saying inflation will likely remain elevated in the coming months. CBS News reporter Sarah Ewall-Wice joins CBSN's Lana Zak with the details.


Democratss press forward with election reform vote

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer will hold a procedural vote on Democrats' S1 or the "For the People Act" on Tuesday, despite opposition to the bill from Republicans and even members of the Democratic party. CBS News congressional correspondent Nikole Killion, Politico "Playbook" co-author Tara Palmeri and LA Times White House reporter Eli Stokols join CBSN's "Red and Blue" anchor Elaine Quijano with details on the battle over voting rights, the latest on infrastructure negotiations and a new poll that shows conservatives rallying behind Florida Governor Ron DeSantis over former President Trump.

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