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Capitol Hill


What was social media's role in Capitol riot?

When a mob of pro-Trump rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol, disturbing footage of the insurrection flooded social media platforms. It wasn't until days later in some cases that tech companies began taking a more rigid approach to monitoring their platforms with Twitter, followed closely by Facebook, banning President Trump then Apple, Google and Amazon cracking down on Parler, but some experts said the effort to censor potentially harmful content on the web came too late. Roger McNamee, author of the New York Times bestseller "Zucked: Waking Up to the Facebook Catastrophe," joined CBSN to discuss.


Authorities on "high alert" at U.S. Capitol

Federal law enforcement is facing severe backlash over its lack of preparation ahead of the January 6 riot at the Capitol. Now, just a week after the deadly attack, 20,000 National Guard troops have been deployed to Washington to secure the Capitol. The response comes as federal officials warn the "success" of last week's chaos could fuel more violence ahead of President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration January 20. CBS News' Natalie Brand has the latest.


Senate trial for Trump to follow inauguration

The House of Representatives has impeached President Trump for the second time. But the Senate isn't expected to start a trial until after President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated. CBS News political contributor and host of the "Article One" podcast Molly Hooper spoke with CBSN about the president's change of tone in a video released Wednesday night, as well as her interview with former Senate Sergeant At Arms Terry Gainer, who discussed the investigation into the assault on the Capitol and how it's affecting the Capitol Police.

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