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As counterterrorism raids step up in Europe in the wake of the Brussels bombings, police have made at least four arrests in a series of raids in Belgium and other four other countries

As counterterrorism raids step up in Europe in the wake of the Brussels bombings, police have made at least four arrests in a series of raids in Belgium and other four other countries. New evidence has been found about another attack planned in France. Allen Pizzey reports from Brussels with the latest.


On Thursday, the federal government charged seven Iranians for cyberattacking more than 40 U.S. banks and trying to open the flood gates of a New York dam

On Thursday, the federal government charged seven Iranians for cyberattacking more than 40 U.S. banks and trying to open the flood gates of a New York dam. Their indictment comes as we're learning terror groups like ISIS are interested in hitting infrastructure targets - including nuclear power plants. Kris Van Cleave reports.


A Belgian prosecutor said the brothers involved in the the Brussels attacks had no previously known links to terrorism until March. But it turns out one had a red level arrest warrant for terrorism issued in December

A Belgian prosecutor said the brothers involved in the the Brussels attacks had no previously known links to terrorism until March. But it turns out one had a red level arrest warrant for terrorism issued in December. The other was arrested as a suspected terrorist fighter by Turkish security forces when he was caught trying to sneak into Syria last summer. Charlie D'Agata reports.

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