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After the Brussels terror attacks, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz urged surveillance of Muslims in America

After the Brussels terror attacks, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz urged surveillance of Muslims in America, which Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton quickly denounced. When Republican front-runner Donald Trump was asked about using nuclear weapons in response to the ISIS threat, he said "we need unpredictability." CBS' Chip Reid joins CBSN from Washington, DC about the candidates responses to the Brussels terror attacks.


Experts believe the ISIS attackers in Brussels used a homemade bomb from everyday materials, creating an explosive called TATP

Experts believe the ISIS attackers in Brussels used a homemade bomb from everyday materials, creating an explosive called TATP. Stopping or detecting the TATP explosive is a difficult task for law enforcement because anyone can legally buy the ingredients to make it. CBS News' Kris Van Cleave has more on the new technology officials are using to trace the explosive.


Investigators uncover evidence that the recently captured Paris terrorist Salah Abdeslam might have participated in the Brussels attacks and that ISIS may have accelerated the attacks in response to his arrest

Investigators uncover evidence that the recently captured Paris terrorist Salah Abdeslam might have participated in the Brussels attacks and that ISIS may have accelerated the attacks in response to his arrest. CBS News Foreign Correspondent Holly Williams has the latest details for CBSN.


The world demonstrates solidarity with the people of Brussels after terror attacks, authorities conduct major manhunt for additional suspect Brussles attacks, U.S. security forces remain on high alert and more in today's trending stories

The world demonstrates solidarity with the people of Brussels after terror attacks, authorities conduct major manhunt for additional suspect Brussles attacks, U.S. security forces remain on high alert and more in today's trending stories

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