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As the Syrian civil war rages on, the governor of Aleppo often finds himself, and City Hall, wedged squarely between the Syrian army, and rebel forces

As the Syrian civil war rages on, the governor of Aleppo often finds himself, and City Hall, wedged squarely between the Syrian army, and rebel forces. The city is under constant threat of rebel mortar attack, while Syrian forces drop devastating "barrel bombs" on rebel strongholds. Meanwhile, refugees continue to flood the smoldering city. Elizabeth Palmer reports.


The full episode of the CBS Evening News from June 25, 2014

The Supreme Court ruled that police officers did not have the right to search a suspect's phone without a warrant. The Justice's said comparing a search of a suspect's phone to a wallet, or coat - which don't require a warrant - wasn't an accurate comparison due to the volume of information stored on modern phone; and, ParkModo, a new app designed to help people find open parking spaces, is causing controversy in San Francisco, where the product is being tested.

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