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World's Oldest Living Cat In San Diego Celebrated 27th Birthday On Friday The 13th

SAN DIEGO (CBS SF) - Last Friday the 13th was a lucky day as one cat in San Diego celebrated a 27th birthday and, according to Guinness World Records, is the world's oldest living feline.

Tiffany Two is the age equivalent of 125 human years.

Sharron Voorhees, Tiffany's Two's owner, said she picked the black and orange tortoiseshell—just six-weeks old—at at pet store in 1988 and called it the best $10 she ever spent.

Voorhees said the cat is in good health but does suffer from high blood pressure.

She said that the cat's name is a tribute to another tortoiseshell cat she owned in the 1970s.

Tiffany Two will have to live beyond 38 years and 3 days to beat Creme Puff, the current record holder for the oldest cat who died in Texas in August 2005.

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