Kerith The Golden Retriever Comforts Firefighters Battling Woodward Fire In Marin County
MARIN COUNTY (KPIX 5) – For firefighters in the North Bay, a crucial morale boost is being provided by a four-legged visitor to the fire lines.
Kerith, a two-year-old golden retriever, is a certified crisis response therapy dog, who has been hanging out with fire crews in Marin County. She's been making daily visits to the base camp near Point Reyes.
Her job is simple, but important: Put smiles on weary firefighters' faces and be available for plenty of pats and snuggles.
The dog also details her travels on Instagram, where she has more than 6,000 followers.
As of Wednesday, the Woodward Fire has burned 2,739 acres since it started southwest of Olema by a lightning strike on August 18th. Officials said the fire is five percent contained.
Estimated containment is not expected until at least September 8th.