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Wine Country wedding planners prep for heat wave

A toast and a roast: Wine Country wedding planners prep for heat wave
A toast and a roast: Wine Country wedding planners prep for heat wave 02:45

NAPA - It's common for temperatures to get into the 80's and 90's in Napa Valley. But with parts of the North Bay going over the century mark later this weekend, some weddings are making changes to ensure couples and their guests can have a great time.

"Napa is beautiful. I know it's hot. But it's my big day, I'm really excited. And hopefully, the guests can feel accommodated," said groom Dennis Lin, as he prepared for his wedding with his love, Becky, Friday night.

His friends and groomsmen tried to keep things light and fun by cracking jokes just a few hours before the ceremony. Lin said he was not that nervous, at least not yet.

What he was worried about was how the heat would affect family and friends.

"Definitely have more water out there. We have our cocktail hour here (in the shade.) Make sure that everyone has AC if they need. We do have some guests that may get vertigo or are more prone to faints. And we are very cautious of that," said Lin.

"My lovely couple today actually brought fans for everybody. So we have those for the ceremony, which will be the hottest part of the day," said Brittany Anderson, Lin's wedding planner.

Wedding planners said most couples expect heat for Summer weddings in Napa and Sonoma, but not triple-digit temperatures.

"We do recommend water stations as guests are arriving before they sit down. And then of course, in some cases, water stations by the ceremony," said Napa Valley event planner Sean Dempsey.

Dempsey said heat waves and wildfires in recent years have taught them to pivot fast. In extreme cases, they can move indoors.

"Nice thing about Napa Valley is we do have a lot of barrel cellars and barrel rooms that you can use as a backup situation when it gets too warm," said Dempsey.

Lin said luckily his wedding wasn't on Sunday or Monday, projected to be the two hottest days of the Labor Day Weekend.

He was trying to stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water during the photo shoots.
"Anytime the photographer is not looking at me, jacket off. Make sure that I stay cool and stay in the shade," said Lin.

The big question was how the bride will keep her hair and makeup looking fresh during the ceremony. 

"I'm making sure that she breathes, 'take a deep breath and just relax' so she enjoys the whole moment because that also will keep her calm and not sweating, despite the heat," said Anderson.

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