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Vallejo Waterfront To Be Transformed; Major Development Gets Green Light

VALLEJO (KPIX 5) -- It's been talked about for almost a decade, but now a major real estate development in Vallejo that will change the city's waterfront has gotten the green light.

The plans are for a mixed-use, high-density district along the Mare Island Causeway, between Solano Ave. and the end of the marina. Shops, restaurants, a revamp of the ferry terminal, and new housing are all part of the plan.

A 237-page plan outlines the overhaul of the area, which would leave it looking a lot like downtown Walnut Creek and transform an area that currently doesn't have much more than grassy space and a paved promenade.

"It's just an empty lot!" said Vallejo resident Willantha Spagner.

"The downtown area has suffered from a lot of years of neglect, a lack of development and investment," said Vallejo City Manager Danile Keen. "So it would kick-start that ecomonic revitalization."

The plan was ready in 2007 but changes in state regulation of development and an economic downturn put it on hold. Now, it's finally coming back to life.

"It's our turn, you know?" said Keen. "It's our turn, and we think the conditions are right for the develoment of that to be unlocked."

The city already owns most of the land and has renegotiated with the developer. Once finished, it hopes it will not only bring new business in, but keep it here as well.

"I think it'll be good if they are going to do it," said Spagner. "It'll give the kids something to do around town instead of leaving here and heading to Fairfield."



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