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Tech Report: Would Facebook For Kids Be A Safe Space?

SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS) — Facebook is testing the waters to allow children under 13 on the popular social networking site, but some child advocates are calling the idea crazy.

I should disclose that I happen to be the co-director of a non-profit internet safety organization, called Connect Safely that receives financial support from Facebook.

Some advocates are saying children this young are not mature enough for a website like this and that it could expose them to online threats.

I actually think it's a good idea for Facebook to create an environment that's designed for kids and brought it up in an interview I did with CEO Mark Zuckerberg two years ago.

KCBS Tech Report:

They should not allow kids to be looking at advertising; they should not be tracking kids. I think they should have a clean, well-lit place for kids, somewhat slightly different than the regular Facebook that still lets them interact with family and friends under parental supervision.

A lot of child safety advocates realize that kids are going to be there anyway, so why not create a safe space for them.

Of course Facebook should be held accountable. Facebook hasn't made any announcements on any guidelines they would be implementing, but they are creating a lot of talk within the industry if they do decide to go through with this.

(Copyright 2012 by CBS San Francisco. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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