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Social Networking Sites Dominate Internet Time

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KCBS) _ The Facebook phenomenon is growing in popularity as a new report has found that many Internet users are spending more time on social networking sites than reading e-mails.

The Nielsen Online report titled "What Americans Do Online" found that nearly a third of the time Americans go online, they're logging on to social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

Berta, a San Jose resident said it's easy to understand as her daughter is addicted to Facebook.

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"She's using it much more now. In fact, she's on it all the time," she said. "After last night, I wanted her to turn it off."

However, Larry Dignan, Editor in Chief of ZDNet is the exception to this growing trend.

"If you compared me, this year compared to last year and certainly two years ago, I'm using Facebook much less," said Dignan.

He said Facebook is like a "time-sync" that he really can't afford anymore.

"The end result is, I'm using it much less," Dignan said. "But you don't want to completely turn it off because you feel like you're nuking a part of yourself."

The survey found that all that time on social networking sites is hurting traditional web portals like Yahoo.

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