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37-year San Francisco trash collector nominated for national award

37-year San Francisco trash collector nominated for national award
37-year San Francisco trash collector nominated for national award 02:32

Most people don't even notice their trash collector. They hear the truck, rush to bring out the bin before going back inside.

If you're lucky enough to live on Dave Barbagelata's route, you should probably know you're witnessing a master at work.

"Picking up garbage, help keeping San Francisco clean. Can't ask for more than that," he said.

Before you've opened your email, Barbagelata has already deleted your trash. On a busy day, he can clear up to 1,400 bins. While it may look repetitive, mundane even, there's an art form to it. 

He's worked for Recology, a San Francisco-based waste company for last 37 years and, yet, he's not burnt out, or counting the days to retirement — he genuinely likes it.

"It's not everybody's dream or ambition to grow up and be a garbage man," he told CBS News Bay Area. "I enjoy what I do."

Dave Barbagelata, who has collected trash for Recology for the past 37 years. CBS

And why not? Picking up garbage is in his blood. His grandfather started in 1925, followed by his dad. Now it's Dave Barbagelata turn to drive the family legacy.

In 37 years on the job, he's had zero accidents and the cleanest record in one of the dirtiest lines of work. But this year someone finally noticed.

 Barbagelata is a nominee, and no this isn't a bit, for the "Oscars of garbage."

Michael E. Hoffman is the President of the National Waste and Recycling Association, which started handing out these awards 65 years ago. He said it's high time garbage people got the respect they deserve.

"We show up every day. We're on our streets and our highways and our towns and our cities more than anybody. More than EMS, more than police, more than fire. We're honoring that diligence, that fortitude, that commitment to the service," he said.

For Barbagelata it's not just a big deal, it might just be the first time he gets to collect something other than trash.

"I was definitely excited," he said. "I couldn't believe I one of the guys that was chosen."

The ceremony will be held in Las Vegas on May 5th. 

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