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San Jose Goodwill Worker's Good Deed Gets Repaid After Finding $7,500 In Donated Suit Pocket

SAN JOSE (KCBS)— It was the day after the 4th of July when Goodwill of Silicon Valley received a donation of dozens of suits at their Willow Glen location.

Christopher Jones donated some of his father's clothing, not knowing that the retired U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer Albert Jones had mistakenly left $7,500 in cash in the pocket of one of his suit jackets.

A Goodwill sorter found the money and took painstaking steps to track down the donor of the jacket and returned the money.

"The Sorter, Lisel Silver went through the coat on the 5th of July and discovered that it had an envelope containing 75 $100 bills," said John Carr from Goodwill.

He said there were also two bank receipts, but they didn't have a name and only a partial account number.

Fortunately, the folks at Bank of America were able to match the cash with the account holder.

Jones' son Chris said the cash return was a shocking surprise. Before donating his father's suits, his father had insisted that there was some extra cash somewhere in the house he was moving out of.

"Sure he was happy that he got the money back, but I think he was also happier of the fact that his memory wasn't as faulty as he thought it was and that perhaps others thought it was," the younger Jones said.

In a generous display of gratitude, the family decided to repay Goodwill for their good deed made a $1,500 donation back to Goodwill.

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