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San Francisco's PG&E Targets Vets For Energy Jobs

SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS) -- With returning soldiers face high unemployment, and the energy industry needing new workers, a nationwide effort is being launched to recruit U.S. veterans for jobs in the energy sector.

"A lot of veterans are coming back looking for jobs and they happen to have the skills that match up really well with jobs in the energy industry," said Ed Legge with the Edison Electric Institute and Center for Energy Workforce Development.

Legge said the energy sector will be in almost desperate need of new workers as Baby Boomers, many of whom have been working in the sector for decades, retire. So a national pilot program called Troops to Energy Jobs has been launched to recruit and train vets for jobs in the energy industry.

KCBS' Melissa Culross Reports:

San Francisco-based PG&E is participating in Troops to Energy jobs by expanding a pre-existing jobs training program to target veterans, specifically.

"It's always been a goal to attract some of the best and brightest and we've found some of that workforce with the veterans," said Joe Molica with PG&E.

You can find more information about the Troops to Energy Jobs Program in the links and numbers section of

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