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San Francisco restaurant challenged after three burglaries in just a month

San Francisco restaurant hit with break-ins 3 times in 1 month
San Francisco restaurant hit with break-ins 3 times in 1 month 02:19

SAN FRANCISCO -- A manager of a restaurant located near San Francisco's Jordan Park neighborhood hopes the city can successfully crack down on the recent rash of crime targeting businesses.

Since 2011, Sukh Kaur has been managing Star India restaurant at Geary and Arguello. She says the neighborhood has become her second family.

"We have really good supporters who support us, that's why we keep on going," said Kaur.

Over the last month, the restaurant has been broken into three different times. The latest incident happened Monday.

"We had three break-ins within just a month, you know? Sept. 15th, 5:30 a.m. The second break-in Oct.5th around the same time," said Kaur. "Third break-in, Oct. 9th at 5:30 a.m. The person was able to come inside the restaurant and got a hold of a few things; got a hold of cash."

The North Indian cuisine restaurant says it has costs them nearly $5,000 to replace the glass doors and put new bars up. They have filed police reports and have been in contact with the city.

"Connie Chan reached out and told us that there was a refund going on and we should apply for it and that was really nice for them to reach out," Kaur said.

She tsays the community has continue to support them since hearing about the break-ins.

"We really hope people like this can stay in the city, because the variety of food we have in the city is such a gift for people who live hear," said longtime customer Patti May.                     

Kaur said Star India's troubles began during the pandemic. They have even had to deal with customers dining and dashing.

Despite the challenges, they love it and hope to continue serving the community.

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