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San Francisco man found guilty of murder for brutal 2020 Bayview killing

PIX Now 10:39

SAN FRANCISCO -- A 47-year-old man has been found guilty of murder for killing a man during a brutal fight in San Francisco's Bayview District in 2020, prosecutors said. 

Gavel and handcuffs
Gavel and handcuffs on wood table.  Getty Images

According to court documents, 58-year-old Paul Ortega interrupted a drug sale that Byron Reed was leading in the early hours of July 23, 2020, on Jennings Street. The interruption prompted a confrontation, and eventually led to a fist fight.

Reed then overpowered Ortega, repeatedly kicked and stomped him in the face, and killed him by slamming his head into the pavement, according to court filings.  

"The jury's verdict delivers justice for Ortega's family and sends a clear message that brutal acts of violence will not be tolerated in San Francisco," District Attorney Brooke Jenkins said in a statement.  "Reed is being held accountable for his extreme violence and shocking disregard for Ortega's life.  Ortega did not have to die on the street as he did.  We will always stand with the victim's family and communities impacted by violence and seek justice." 

Reed has been in custody since his arrest in September 2021. His sentencing date has not been set.

"Paul Ortega's death is a terrible loss to his family and friends," said Assistant District Attorney Aaron Laycool, who successfully prosecuted the case. "And while I know nothing that happens in our courtrooms can bring Mr. Ortega back, I am hopeful that the jury's decision today will bring them some sense of justice and closure."

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