Ku Klux Klan Flyers Reportedly Spotted In San Francisco's Upper Haight
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) – Flyers purportedly recruiting for the Ku Klux Klan have reportedly been circulating in San Francisco's Upper Haight neighborhood.
The flyer lists a hotline and two websites for the KKK. It claimed the Black Lives Matter movement is telling followers to kill white people and police officers in the name of justice.
The flyer reads:
"Black Lives Matter Black Panthers are telling followers to kill white people and police officers in the name of justice for the killing of negro's by policemen in the line of duty. These negro's were not innocent, they were thugs breaking the law, and standing up against police."
A prerecorded message on the hotline said, "For far too long, these liberals have lied to you about what the Bible actually says when they tell you that you're supposed to love your neighbor."
The flyers were said to have been found along Clayton and Haight streets and at Oak and Lyon streeets in the Upper Haight.
San Francisco Police said they have not seen nor received complaints and that KKK recruitment itself is not illegal.