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San Francisco Giants May Ban 'Culturally Insensitive' Attire At AT&T Park

SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS)— The San Francisco Giants organization is in the final steps of adopting a policy to ban fans from wearing "culturally-insensitive" attire at AT&T Park.

Giants' Sr. Vice President Staci Slaughter said the Giants are very proud of their diverse fan base, but want fans to respect one another.

"We want to make sure that our fans are respectful of each other and the different backgrounds that everyone comes from," Slaughter told KCBS on Wednesday.

The Giants could be the first team in Major League Baseball to adopt such a policy.

A couple of weeks ago, at AT&T Park's Native American Heritage Night, two groups of fans had a disagreement over the issue of what should and shouldn't be worn.

SF Examiner reported two Native American fans asked a third fan, who appeared to be Caucasian, to remove a headdress he was wearing.

Slaughter said the consideration to revise their dress-code policy partly stems from that incident.

The next steps towards implementation would be to communicate new rules with fans and event staff in order to ensure they are properly trained on the issue, Slaughter said.

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