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San Bruno Fire Evacuee Sues PG&E

SAN BRUNO (CBS/AP) - A resident of the neighborhood evacuated by a deadly gas line explosion in San Bruno is suing Pacific Gas and Electric Co.

Steve Dare filed the lawsuit on Friday in San Mateo County Superior Court. He says the company should turn over a $100 million recovery fund for blast victims to a third party and pay other monetary damages.

The lawsuit claims PG&E could withhold funding or not follow through on its promise if the money is not placed in a court-supervised account.

PG&E spokesman Paul Moreno told the San Mateo Daily Journal he didn't know if the company had been served yet, so he couldn't comment on the lawsuit.

Dare rents a home that did not sustain damage in the fire, but was evacuated for three days.

The blast on Sept. 9 destroyed nearly 40 homes and claimed at least four lives.

(© CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.)

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