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Regulators Order PG&E To Give Firefighters Pipe Maps

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS / AP) -- California utility regulators will now require Pacific Gas & Electric Co. to give local fire departments maps of their facilities and upgrade the company's natural gas safety training materials in an effort to prevent accidents like the devastating blast in San Bruno.

The California Public Utilities Commission unanimously approved the proposal on Thursday, following recommendations made in the wake of last September's explosion of a PG&E transmission line. Eight people died, dozens were injured and 38 homes were destroyed.

The company will be required to provide the commission with inspection records of its gas transmission and gas storage shut-off valves.

The company also is under orders to send its customers annual bill inserts about where to call before digging or excavating to avoid damaging gas pipelines.

(Copyright 2011 by CBS San Francisco. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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