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Rachel Bilson Raps In Response To Criticism

Rachel Bilson plays Dr. Zoe Hart on CW's Hart of Dixie. Some people have a hard time believing she's a doctor on the feel-good show. I for one enjoy Bilson's portrayal of Dr. Zoe Hart. She's quirky and has poor patient-client interactions since her rotations were in surgery rather than family practice, which makes for some rather blunt and amusing statements during checkups.

Bilson responds to the criticism by rapping about it on Funny or Die! She's a really good sport, and some highlights of the video include seeing the sets from Hart of Dixie like the Rammer Jammer. Plus her costars Wilson Bethel and Scott Porter make an appearance -- and play with a hose.

The CW stars are having a wild time this summer. Nina Dobrev made a Funny or Die rap video about sunscreen. While Bilson's is hilarious, Dobrev's rap will be stuck in my head for hours.

Did they make you laugh? Which did you like better? Sound off below!

(Copyright 2012 by CW Bay Area | CBS San Francisco. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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