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Pres. Trump Slams California Leaders Over SF Homelessness Crisis

SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) -- Over the Christmas holiday, President Donald Trump put the blame on House speaker Nancy Pelosi and California Governor Gavin Newsom for not cleaning up San Francisco's homeless problem.

In one tweet, he said "Nancy Pelosi's district in California has rapidly become one of the worst anywhere in the U.S. when it come to the homeless and crime. It has gotten so bad, so fast, she has lost total control and, along with her equally incompetent governor, Gavin Newsom, it is a very sad sight!"

He also tweeted that if the governor can't fix the problem, the federal government "will get involved!"

"I think it's really sad because we do have a serious homeless crisis here in our city and we could use more help from the federal government and from the state -- from everybody," said S.F. District 6 supervisor Matt Haney. "And instead, it's being used as a political football."

San Francisco supervisor Haney says the problem is getting worse. The latest homeless count in San Francisco showed a big increase in the last two years, to more than 9,000 people.

The governor's office responded, tweeting "California is doing more than ever to tackle the homelessness crisis despite the federal administration's roadblocks." He highlighted a billion-dollar investment, new legislation and homeless experts to identify solutions.

The navigation center on the Embarcadero is just one of San Francisco's solutions. Mayor Breed recently toured the center, which is ready to welcome about 200 homeless people in a few days.

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