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Police Still Searching for Clues Regarding Missing Man

VALLEJO, Calif. (KCBS) _ Vallejo police say a man charged with explosives violations, just part of a murderous crime spree in the East Bay, has been talking to them about what happened.

72-year-old Charles Rittenhouse was arrested late Tuesday afternoon at a home in Vallejo, where the decomposing bodies of two women were found.

Authorities also found explosives, including a container labeled "depleted uranium."

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The women at the home also knew Efren Valdemoro, who is believed to have murdered an elderly Hercules man and his own girlfriend.

Vallejo Police Lieutenant Abel Tenorio said police still are looking at whether Rittenhouse is directly involved in the homicides of the two Vallejo women.

"He's considered a lead. But we don't know what his involvement is," said Tenorio. "We also consider Efren as a lead. But we're also open to the fact that there may be an additional suspect out there."

The son of the elderly man in Hercules, 35-year-old Frederick Sales is still missing.

Police in Hercules said they believe a dispute involving Valedemoro's girlfriend may have led up to the killing spree.

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