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Pocket Fire, Zero Percent Contained, Burns Near Geyserville

GEYSERVILLE (KPIX) -- It's called the Pocket Fire because it started on Pocket Ranch Road on Wednesday. Late that night evacuation orders were issued.

Rocky terrain and clear skies on Thursday made this fire a perfect candidate for air drops but the helicopters have to stop at sundown.

As darkness fell in Geyserville, the flames on the ground in the surrounding forest look like streams of lava. Fire captain Tony McHale says it's hard to predict what will happen with this blaze.

"It's a mixed fuel bed -- you have light, flashy fuels, these are your grasses, your lighter brush. Then that ladders into heavier brush and timber. Its mixed -- that means it can create erratic fire behavior," he explained.

Late Thursday evening, the fire was still zero percent contained and has burned more than 8,400 acres.

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