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Pittsburg police arrest alleged graffiti artist who tagged over 365 structures

PIX Now -- Wednesday morning headlines from the KPIX newsroom
PIX Now -- Wednesday morning headlines from the KPIX newsroom 10:28

PITTSBURG -- Nearly anywhere you go in Pittsburg, you'll see the tag "BCUS" spray-painted on traffic crossing signs, buildings and street signs.

On Wednesday, Pittsburg police posted on the department's Facebook page that they have taken 25-year-old Shane Cisneros into custody as the alleged serial graffiti artist.

Investigators said Cisneros spray-painted the tag of "Mr. BCUS" on over 365 structures -- everything from buildings to street signs, to sidewalks and private businesses.

He was arrested after a city graffiti clean-up team witnessed Cisneros in the act and alerted the police. 

Cisneros will be charged with felony vandalism when he makes his first court appearance before a judge.  

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