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Own Your Own Billionaire Action Figure

PALO ALTO (CBS) - Are media moguls the new action figures? One company thinks so. M.I.C. Gadget calls it "the most friendly toy we have ever seen." It's a 7-inch-tall Mark Zuckerberg doll.

PICTURE: View the "Poking Inventor" Doll

Priced at $70, the toy isn't actually named Mark Zuckerberg. M.I.C. got into a legal dispute with Apple when it came out with a Steve Jobs doll, and it apparently has learned its lesson. The new doll is called the "Poking Inventor Action Figure." Poking, of course, is one of the many actions users can take on Facebook.

The pint-sized billionaire comes complete with his iconic flip-flips and hoodie. He can hold a variety of signs - including "Like" and "Poke" - as well as blank speech ballons that attach to his head. Wonder what Zuckerberg would say if he found himself living on your shelf? Now you can decide!

M. I. C. calls the mini-mogul statue "inspired from a man who makes the world more open and connected."

If you like this Facebook action figure - or maybe if you "Like" it - check out the company's website here.

(© 2011 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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