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Novato Toy Store Hopes Membership Program Curbs Theft

NOVATO (CBS 5) - A well-known toy story in the North Bay is fed up with shoplifting, and implementing a membership program to discourage the theft.

Dollhouses, Trains and More has been selling high-end toys in Novato for nearly two decades. The large shop has recently experienced a shoplifting and card fraud problem. Among the most most popular stolen items are miniatures and items from the Halloween department.

Customers will now be asked to present a photo ID - like a driver's license - on the firs visit. That card will be scanned into a database where the information will be stored in case there is an incident.

"My thought is to have a kind of membership. There's no charge to join the membership, or club, of the store," said Linda Becker, Owner of Dollhouses, Trains and More.

Shoppers Tuesday didn't seem to mind the idea. Dollhouses Trains and More is planning to have the system up and running by the end of September.

(Copyright 2011 by CBS San Francisco. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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