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Newsom in the Lead for Lt. Gov

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KCBS)- The latest field poll shows San Francisco's mayor with a nine-point lead in early polling for the race for lieutenant governor.

The Democrat mayor Gavin Newsom is leading Republican Able Maldonado 43 to 34 percent.

Field Poll Director Mark Dicamillo credits name recognition for Newsom's early lead.

"Maldonado was just recently posted to the Lt. Governor's post, so he's actually the incumbent. Two-thirds of voters in California have an opinion of Gavin Newsom, while just one-third has an opinion of Maldonado," said Dicamillo.

The poll also shows San Francisco's District Attorney in a tight race for Attorney General.

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In the race for attorney general, San Francisco Democrat District Attorney Kamala Harris is up against Los Angeles District Attorney Republican Steve Cooley. Cooley has a slight edge over Harris 37 to 34 percent.

Dicamillo added that 29 percent are undecided and that, "this one could be very close."

This poll provides a baseline reading to compare to future polls to see who has made gains. Three more polls for these two races are expected between now and Election Day.

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