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Small Quake Strikes North Of Anderson Dam In Morgan Hill

MORGAN HILL (CBS SF) A small earthquake struck Morgan Hill several miles from the Anderson Dam early Thursday morning, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

The USGS reported the magnitude 2.9 quake struck at 6:27 a.m. about six miles north of the dam, at a depth of 3.97 miles.

Owned by the Santa Clara Valley Water District, Anderson Dam is being watched carefully because it requires a seismic upgrade.

The lake is supposed to be limited to 68 percent of capacity until that work is done, but this winter's rains have the lake completely full.

Last week, uncontrolled releases from Anderson Dam led to flooding in San Jose.

There are no reports of damage or injuries.

COMPLETE QUAKE COVERAGE: CBS Earthquake Resource Center

This article will be updated as information warrants, and follow KPIX 5 on Twitter at @CBSSF or KCBS Radio on Twitter at @KCBSNews for updates on breaking news anytime.

DID YOU FEEL IT?: USGS Shake Map For Northern California
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BAY AREA FAULTS: Interactive Map Of Local Faults

Strong earthquakes with an epicenter off the coast can trigger tsunamis, depending on the size and type of the fault movement. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center tracks earthquake data for the West Coast.

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