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Bay Area Lawmaker Opposes Obama On Tax Cut Deal

BURLINGAME (KCBS) -- Democratic Congresswoman Jackie Speier remains at odds with President Barack Obama over the tax cut deal he reached with Republicans, calling the proposal a capitulation rather than a compromise.

Speier has supported President Obama many times in the past, but this time, she is among his harshest critics.

KCBS' Chris Filippi Reports:

When asked if the president is drifting to the right, she said it's more than just a slight move.

"I don't think it's a drift, I think it's a snowstorm," she said. "I think that the president has out-Bushed former President Bush."

Speier said extending tax cuts for the wealthy is unaffordable.

"When you think about how desperate we are as a country right now, approaching a trillion dollars in a deficit, a war in Afghanistan that's already cost over a trillion dollars, with a price tag over the course of the veterans coming home of $3 trillion," said Speier. "And we are giving tax cuts to people?"

But President Obama and others who support the plan said it will strengthen the nation's economic recovery.

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