Elderly Sumatran Tiger 'Leanne' Dies At San Francisco Zoo
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) -- Leanne, a beloved tiger at the San Francisco Zoo, has passed away at the age of 18, the zoo announced Thursday.
The Sumatran tiger had lived at the zoon for more than 15 years and was a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She was considered a geriatric animal having outlived her species' life expectancy by more than eight years.
"We truly are heartbroken over the loss of elegant Leanne, the matriarch of our Sumatran tiger breeding program," said SF Zoo CEO Tanya Peterson in a prepared statement. "She was a wonderful animal in all ways and was instrumental in helping us and other zoos conserve this critically endangered tiger subspecies. Not only were her markings uniquely stunning, but she was a charismatic individual who captured the hearts of millions of SF Zoo visitors during her long tenure here. She will be sorely missed."
The zoo said Leanne's health had been recently declining; results from a necropsy were pending.
"Leanne was a favorite of staff because of her willingness to participate in conditioning exercises, yet Zoo visitors loved her because she would sleep on her heated rock located next to a viewing window," said zookeeper Ron Whitfield in a statement. "Even in her old age, she loved to play, and one of her favorite toys was a green boomer ball."